Our Campaign Services


We have help over 40 Municipal, State and Federal candidates get on the ballot through the petitioning process. We have also worked in over 20 Municipal and Statewide ballot initiatives.

All of our petitioning campaigns include:

Management of Operations, Signature Collection, Notarization, Verification, Compliance with all required agencies and weekly reports. We also can help train and mange your campaigns volunteers and staff to make sure their is a seamless coordination within all parts of your campaign.


Many Studies have shown that door to door canvassing is the only real way to increase voter is by door to door Canvassing with studies showing the increase to be between 6% to 10%. Therefore it is crucial that all campaigns have a door to door canvassing plan, in addition to mail, lit drops, and phone banking to make sure they have done everything possible to win.

We have run over 10 Municipal, and Statewide field campaigns, using canvassers that are from the communities being canvassed because we know you are more likely to listen to your neighbor more than absolute stranger.

All of our Canvassing campaigns include:

Management of Operations, Fraud Watch, Daily and weekly reports. We also can help train and mange your campaigns volunteers and staff to make sure their is a seamless coordination within all parts of your campaign.


Mailer shave been a true and tried part of all political campaigns but recently mail delays have made them unreliable. If you cant trust your mailers to arrive when they will have the most effect why Bother? That’s where “lit Drops” come in your can schedule the exact date that your flyer gets to your voters. Lit drops are slightly more expensive than bulk mailing, but your are guaranteed that they will be delivered on the exact date that you want them delivered. We can time them by precinct, zip code, or neighborhood, making your camping much more efficient.


Our signature verification services can verify that the signature your volunteers and staff have collected are of actually registered voters, so you can feel safe when your campaign is submitting your petitions.


There is certain areas where door to door canvassing or “lit drops” would just not be effective. Such as metropolitan areas with lots of secured apartments or condos. Also rural areas where doors are very spread out, that where your phone banking and texting programs can fill in the gap. They are also a great way to contact those people who were not home during our door to door canvassing campaigns.